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5 Common Co-Occurring Disorders

teen looking out window during co-occurring disorder treatment

Teens today are under more pressure than ever before and at a higher risk of forming depression or other mental health disorders. If they use drugs and alcohol to cope, co-occurring disorder treatment can help teens who form an addiction after experiencing a trauma or struggle with understanding their changing emotions. Teens who turn to drugs and alcohol to cope can get help for their addiction and coinciding mental health disorders through a co-occurring disorder treatment center. But, what are co-occurring disorders?

At Imagine Seattle, we provide effective care for teen boys and girls aged twelve to seventeen who have formed a co-occurring disorder. We take the time to build a rapport with your teen, so they can better communicate and get to the bottom of the issue that led to the addiction. They learn new life skills to cope with their feelings and learn to express them in a healthy way. To get your teen the help they need for their mental health, call 888.346.0473 today or fill out our online form for more information about our co-occurring disorder treatment center.

5 Common Co-Occurring Disorders

1. Personality Disorders

Personality disorders include obsessive-compulsive disorders and borderline personality disorders. Symptoms include impulsive behavior, severe mood swings, and trouble maintaining relationships.

2. Eating Disorders

Teens who struggle with body image are more likely to use drugs and alcohol to control their appetite and improve their mood. It can start with diet pills and progresses to stimulants over time and lead to body dysmorphic disorder, where teens are extremely critical of their appearance and obsess over tiny flaws.

3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is common for teens who experience a traumatic event such as the death of a family member or close friend or a car accident. Teens can experience flashbacks and night terrors, which can cause depression, anxiety, and addiction.

4. Bipolar Disorders

Bipolar disorders are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain that can lead to mania, severe depression, and suicidal thoughts. They can be very susceptible to addiction as they already use medications to treat their symptoms, and some of those medications contain opioids.

5. Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

SAD is when teens experience anxiety when around peers in various social situations. It can cause rapid heart rate, sweaty palms, extreme fear, and nausea. Teens will often use drugs and alcohol to relax and try and fit in and are more likely to participate in risky behavior like binge drinking.

What Are the Signs of Co-Occurring Disorders?

What are co-occurring disorders? A co-occurring disorder happens when teens form an addiction to cope with depression, PTSD, or other mental health disorders or as a symptom of their addiction. It is a complicated issue that requires multiple treatment options to confront the addiction and underlying mental health disorder.

Signs of co-occurring disorders that indicate your teen might need some support include:

  • Sudden changes in their personality
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Erratic or aggressive behavior
  • No longer interested in things they used to enjoy
  • Lying about who they are spending time with and what they are doing

Choose Imagine Seattle’s Effective Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment for Teens

At Imagine Seattle, we support teen boys and girls aged twelve to seventeen struggling with a co-occurring disorder of addiction and PTSD or other mental health disorders. Our programs are very beneficial in helping teens cope with their feelings and allow them to lead healthy and happy lives.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and depression, or other mental health disorders, our Imagine Seattle team is standing by to help. Call 888.346.0473 or fill out our online form today to find out about our treatment for co-occurring disorders.

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